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Arian Orlando

Member, Alto 1

  • Bio/Profile
  • ADC Singer Since: 2023
    Voice Part: Soprano II
    Hometown: Frisco, TX
    Education: Bachelor of Music Education
    Day Job: Realtor
    First Choir I Sang With: Middle School Choir
    Favorite Choral Works: German Requiem, Durufle Requiem, Dream of Gerontius
    Playing on My Spotify Now: Yacht Rock
    Family:  Husband- Steve, Daughter- Hayley, Son - Jordan, Son- Tripp, Daughter - Sadie, Dog - Charly Belle
    Community Involvement:  Dallas Symphony Chorus, Ms Texas Senior America, Miss TX Volunteer, Dallas Music Study Club
    Interests and Hobbies Other Than ADC:  Dallas Music Study Club, painting
    "Why I Sing with ADC:" I enjoy it!